Geeky dad give up on smartwatches and go for traditional Casio watch

 Smartwatches sure dominates our lifestyle, from checking notifications, heart rate monitoring, accident alert and many more.

But one dad living on his mid 3 series life can't find any use of advance tech that smartwatches have to offer.

You bet he never tried. Not really.. Because two smartwatches already find his way to grave due to screen damages. The consequences of wearing them 24 hours. Only removing for charging. Showering, swimming and hard labor work non-stop. This surely most of smartwatches today not built to stand for.

Then most of the time finding the time not display correctly if not connected to the phone. And after months of abuses they retired. 

Second smartwatches when brand new:

Sadly no image of it destroyed.
The starter, before smartwatches:

Introducing the Casio Super Illuminator, with Vibration Alarm not even G-Shock🙃

Orange Black.

This one was given to his friend after he stumble the world of smartwatch. His friend still using it daily.

Then after he destroyed the second smartwatch he realized how he missed his durable Casio. End up buying it again. Same model but different theme.

Enter the second Super Illuminator:

Now Silver Black theme.

What he missed about this particular Casio that keep him coming back (Pros):

-super durable, near G-Shock build quality, wearing 24/7 on any hard and harsh environment.

-long battery life, up to 10 years.

-realize that the main purpose of watch is to show time, other features like step counter easily ignored over time.

-vibration alarm and signal, no more beeping in quiet place.

-the super illuminator led backlight is super bright. Can show path and good for finding milk bottle of his baby out in the dark.

And of course the only Cons:

-no smartwatch functions.

So want this super durable watch that doesn't hurt your pocket?

Get it here:
